Earthling. Engineer. Space Traveler. Dreamer. Mignonnesaurus. Petite Ensenadoise. Little Crazy. In .
Code is like the pages of a book that stick in my mind and my heart and that whisper to the processor.
I am an Earthling, an Engineer and a Student at heart 💙
I enjoy participating in communities, and coaching at workshops and courses that inspire people from all walks of life to discover the magic of the multiverse of technology ✨
I love to learn new languages, both the ones to communicate with other Earthlings and the ones to communicate with computers. I also love reading, taking walks, and having life talks over a good cup of tea.
Interests: Technology | Software | Education | Community | Leadership | Diversity | Literature | Languages | Culture | Health | Gastronomy | Travel | Space Travel.
I used to be Adjunct Professor @ the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) - Campus Ensenada.
In collaboration with Fernando Montes, we used to teach the course: Development of Web Applications in Java (DoWa Java). Content course is here and practices are here. We welcome contributions and feedback ✨
I reading.